Executive Leadership Coaching & Consulting

The truth is that most people make simple mistakes about word choice, tone, and voice in almost every interaction. Even so, most executives and professionals find it difficult to raise their hands and say, “I need help communicating.” There is no shame in seeking guidance in this area. In fact, learning how to avoid common communication mistakes and handle challenging situations sets you and your business up for better outcomes when issues arise. 

Executive leadership coaching gives leaders the necessary tools to handle nearly any workplace situation. Using a science-based approach, Melissa shows you how to lead from a position of power, enhance your image, and communicate clearly and effectively in a crisis. 

Melissa provides two executive coaching options, a 6-week 1:1 Leadership Training Course or an ongoing retainer that provides long-term training and on-demand support. These programs are intended for executives who need help developing their management skills and handling crises. If you are experiencing an active communication crisis, please check out Melissa’s crisis management service.

6-Week Leadership Communication Training Course

Melissa’s 6-week leadership program is for executives who want to increase the effectiveness of their communication, present themselves with authority, and control the narrative of their story. Melissa offers in-person and online coaching options for various budgets.

  • Learn the precise language needed to deal confidently with any good news or bad news situation.
  • Upgrade your elevator speech, LinkedIn profile, and custom email audits with right-way rewrites to improve message results.
  • Uncover clear proof points that differentiate you from others
  • Receive on-demand writing and executive coaching to help you grow your network, increase your presence, and close more deals or opportunities
  • Respond to microaggressions, sidestep ambushes, and prevent miscommunications
  • Develop a plan for potential PR and communication crises so you know what to say and what not to say in those first critical moments

Ongoing Executive Leadership Consulting Retainer

If you want a long-term program or to extend services after the 6-week training program, this option is for you. Retainer services include one-on-one support and guidance in learning to communicate more effectively and confidently. With this option, you get 24-7 access to Melissa to guide you through any current business situation. Melissa offers in-person and online executive leadership coaching on retainer for various budgets.

How is Executive Leadership Coaching Helpful?

Working with Melissa as your Executive Leadership Coach allows you to customize your experience and gives you real-world examples and practical tips to respond to a crisis in your company. She will provide you with the tools and talking points to communicate with confidence regardless of the situation.

Examples of Coaching Topics:

  • Dissatisfaction with a boss or leader
  • Concern over termination
  • Conflict between employees, or feeling sabotaged by a coworker
  • Promotions (and how to avoid demotions)
  • Changing industries
  • Major life and career changes
  • How to prepare your leaders and staff for an internal communications crisis or external PR crisis
Executive Coaching helps you develop the strategy and skills to address major roadblocks by using effective communication skills to advance your agenda more effectively.

Are you ready to elevate your communication skills?

Online Executive Coaching With The Board Room

The Board Room is our online executive coaching resource that provides you with all of Melissa’s coaching resources, in an easy-to-follow online video format. The Board Room allows you to learn our science-based approach on your own time and the ability to re-watch whenever you need. 

The Board Room is a monthly subscription that provides you unlimited access to its content, and is updated weekly.

Looking for a group training experience?

Melissa, Your Executive Leadership Coach

Melissa DeLay is a speaker, author, and award-winning founder and principal owner of TruPerception.

With more than two decades of strategic and corporate communication experience–including consulting for entities such as Ameriprise Financial and the state of Minnesota, as well as holding senior positions with 3M, Carlson Companies, Maytag, and AmeriPride–she knows how to deliver the right words, in the right way to drive change, manage crises, boost engagement, and build a stronger brand.

Melissa has curtailed a social media smear campaign in less than 24 minutes, resulting in regaining instant credibility and avoiding widespread negative exposure for the company.